
Acompanhe nossos projetos de crédito de carbono.

Confira tudo o que está acontecendo no mercado de Credito de Carbono.

Brazilian developer picks Social Carbon for upcoming ARR credits

  Honrados em compartilhar nossa entrevista com a revista Quantum Commodity Intelligence, sediada em Londres! Nosso CEO, Alexandre Chiachiri, teve a oportunidade de destacar os projetos e tecnologias da Vert Ecotech, além de discutir sobre o mercado de carbono. A entrevista, conduzida pelo jornalista Vinicius Maffei, aborda nosso compromisso com a sustentabilidade e nossos esforços para fazer a diferença. Confira os detalhes abaixo!

Brazilian developer picks Social Carbon for upcoming ARR credits


Quantum Commodity Intelligence – A Brazil-based developer with three forest restoration projects located in the country’s soy production heartland plans to offer carbon credits issued under the Social Carbon registry in the following months, making it one of the first companies in the nation to move away from traditional standards.

Faster verification processes by the registry’s personnel and processes that better integrate with blockchain were the determinant factors in choosing Social Carbon over US-based Verra or Switzerland-based Gold Standard, developer Vert Ecotech told Quantum during a recent visit to São Paulo.

Vert’s three projects are going through the auditing process, which should last two to three months, with the trading of credits expected to follow soon after.

The offsets will be issued using the ‘SCM0003 – Methodology for Carbon Removals in Private Conservation Areas’, which has been developed exclusively for projects in Brazil.
Two Vert Ecotech developments are in the Pantanal biome, the world’s largest wetland in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, while the third one is in the Amazon, in the neighbouring state of Mato Grosso.
The projects cover a combined area of 10,000 hectares with an estimated annual issuance of credits equivalent to 25,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2e).
Vert said it is working on a new measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tool based on blockchain that includes AI and sensors installed in the plantations, which they believe will add value to the initiative.
“We want to monitor the carbon capture process in a real-time scale, so we know how at any given point in time how much carbon has been absorbed,” Vert Ecotech chief executive Alexandre Chiachiri told Quantum.
According to the developer estimates, the costs of developing its reforestation and revegetation projects start at $30/tCO2e, although it may very according to each development, which comprises adding the new technology and competing with land used with agricultural activities, such as soy, in the region. The states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul combined produced almost 60,000 tonnes of soy in the last crop, representing more than one-third of the country’s soy production, according to data from the Brazilian federal government Vert’s business model is based on paying landowners, who receive between 50%
and 70% of the project’s income, rather than buying land to develop the projects.
The company has so far decided not to develop any projects in indigenous lands due to the legal risk of signing contracts with those communities because of a poor legal framework for such areas in Brazil, a feeling commonly shared by other developers in the country to which the Quantum team spoke while visiting Brazil.

Fonte: Quantum Commodity Intelligence

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